Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rachel Taylor

  1. Where do you live? I can't tell you.
  2. Born? April 4, 1989
  3. Age? 23.
  4. Occupation? I work at Coffee Bean.  With Ruth.  How awkward, right? Right? Right.
  5. Are you the hero of your own story? Nope.
  6. What is your problem in the story? Paige.
  7. Do you have a problem that wasn’t mentioned in the story? No.
  8. Do you embrace conflict? No.
  9. Do you run from conflict? No.
  10. How do you see yourself? I'm starting out a new life.  And I got a nice mate.
  11. How do your friends see you? They like me.
  12. How do your enemies see you? Paige doesn't care about me. 
  13. How does the author see you? She prefers me over Amy.
  14. Do you think the author portrayed you accurately? Yes. 
  15. What do you think of yourself? Confident.  
  16. Do you have a hero? Yes.
  17. Do you have a goal? Win Scarlet's black heart.
  18. What are your achievements? Writing a novel.
  19. Do you talk about your achievements? Yes. 
  20. What do you think about Twilight? It could have been so much better written. 
  21. Do you have any strengths? 100% there in the relationship.
  22. Do you have any weaknesses? Jealousy.
  23. Do you have any skills? Writing.
  24. Do you have money troubles? I did. 
  25. What do you want? Paige stopped.
  26. What do you need? Love.
  27. What do you want to be? Keep being myself.
  28. What do you believe? Second chances.  Even three.
  29. What makes you happy? Surrounding myself with wonderful people.
  30. What are you afraid of? Amy being near Scarlet.
  31. What makes you angry? Paige.
  32. What makes you sad? Being away from Scarlet and what Paige is doing.
  33. What do you regret? Nothing so far. 
  34. What is your biggest disappointment? The stores running out of the things I want.
  35. What, if anything, haunts you? Being turned into a vampire.
  36. Are you lucky? Apparently, yes. 
  37. Have you ever failed at anything? Yes.
  38. Has anyone ever failed you? Yes.
  39. Has anyone ever betrayed you? Yes.
  40. Have you ever failed anyone? I used to make empty promises.  So, uh, yes.  I did.
  41. Have you ever betrayed anyone? No.
  42. Do you keep your promises? Currently, yes.
  43. Are you honorable? Currently, yes.
  44. Are you healthy? Yes.
  45. Sexual Orientation? Lesbian.
  46. Do you have any bite marks? No.
  47. What was your childhood like? Normal. 
  48. Do you like remembering your childhood? Yes.
  49. Did you get along with your parents? Yes. 
  50. What in your past had the most profound effect on you? My brother treating me like shit. 
  51. What in your past would you like to forget? My brother.
  52. What in your past would you like others to forget? Nothing.
  53. Who was your first love? Some girl I dated in high school. 
  54. Who is your true love? So far, Scarlet.
  55. Have you ever had an adventure? Going to Las Vegas for my birthday.
  56. What is the most important thing that ever happened to you? Why? Going to Las Vegas.  I've never been there and I loved every second.  
  57. Was there a major turning point in your life? Yes.  Having a stripper's tits in my face. 
  58. Was there ever a defining moment of your life? Coming out to my parents.
  59. Is there anything else about your background you’d like to discuss? Mmmmm, nope.
  60. What is your most closely guarded secret? I like Avril Lavigne's music.  Some.
  61. What is your most prized possession? Why? A CD by Persephone.  They got me into the Goth scene. 
  62. Do you have any hobbies? Shopping and writing. 
  63. What is your favorite scent? Curious by Britney Spears. 
  64. What is your favorite color? Light pink. 
  65. What is your favorite food? Double burgers.
  66. What is your favorite beverage? Pepsi.
  67. What is your favorite band? Melissa Ferrick.
  68. What is your favorite item of clothing? Long skirts.
  69. Name five items in your purse, briefcase, or pockets.  Lipstick, some CDs, kit kats, phone and wallet.
  70. What are the last thing you read? An Anne Rice book.  Forgot which one it was.
  71. How do you feel about the LGBT people? They're okay.
  72. If you had the power to change one thing in the world that didn’t affect you personally, what would it be? People asking for raise. 
  73. What makes you think that change would be for the better? No more shit going out of business.
  74.  If you were stranded on a desert island, who would you rather be stranded with, a man or a woman? Woman. 
  75.  How do you envision your future? Anything that involves Scarlet, I don't give a shit.